图片说明:L:博士. 塞缪尔·戴尔和他的妻子. 上图:第一支JWCC足球队,包括博士. 戴尔在左路当守门员. 右:博士. Dyer’s wall of degrees in his home office with his JWCC diploma on the bottom left as the first degree that started the path to his MD, which he received this year from Washington University.
1991年,博士. Samuel Dyer began his academic journey at beat365平台 (JWCC), not realizing it would...
I graduated from JWCC with no student debt and transferred to U of I to finish my bachelor's degree.
I would recommend starting with one or two years of community college to anyone.
-Katie Richárd, FBI
I took classes in different subjects to find what I wanted to do for a living & 了解到我真正热爱的是什么.
- breckon Bice,南安公司项目工程师.
When I was accepted to medical school, my credits transferred easily like they were from Mizzou.
——greg Havermale(内科医生
我的教授都很严厉, but I knew they were doing their jobs when Purdue made an exception for me to join the program in the middle of the third year.